Sunday, July 28, 2013

28 July 2013 - ENCS

The “Living on a Prayer” series was continued by Pastor Josh Harris
The rest of the pastoral team was near Disney, not the one in Paris
In Matthew 6:9-12, Jesus teaches us how to pray
It is much more than knowing what we should say
Today Pastor Josh focused on verse thirteen
The words “temptation” and “evil” were both seen
He then handed over to Pastor Mark Benevente
About flying in enemy territory he had lots to say
He referred to Jesus' words from Matthew 12:43
That evil spirits try to multiply we did hear and see
Pastor said this should highlight the importance
Of inner healing or sanctification and deliverance
If we replace an ungodly belief with the right one
When the enemy returns, our soul will him shun
When faced with an offense, Pastor Mark said
The key is how we decided to respond instead
We can choose to either judge or to forgive
The latter is obviously the best way to live
If we judge others, according to Matthew 7:1-2
We will likewise be judged on all that we may do
And if this is the path that we learn to expect
We end up taking inner vows to try to protect
In the end, this of course will not succeed
For only through God can we ever be freed
When we forgive others, we help ourselves too
In fact, blessing our enemies is what we should do
Then from Christ will our protection come
He is stronger than anything in any kingdom
Bottom line, God has given us a way out
Of that there really should be no doubt
Pastor Josh again then stepped to the fore
He talked about temptation a little more
Sometimes obeying God will lead us there
But only when He knows how we will fare
So while "lead us not into" we can pray
If it is His will, we must surely obey
That He "will deliver us from evil" we must trust
Through our entire life, from "dust to dust"
We must choose between wisdom and temptation
Walking in freedom comes with salvation

Sunday, July 14, 2013

14 July 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke about “Livin’ on a Prayer”
When he finished, we were half way there
This series focuses on part of Matthew six
On the Lord’s Prayer, we did our eyes fix
Jesus first taught his disciples how to pray
The same approach can be used every day
Josh mentioned the importance of verse nine
For a relationship with God we should pine
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name”
For He is holy and worthy - forever the same
Since prayer is relational and a dialogue
We must communicate clearly, not in a fog
Verse number ten begins “Your kingdom come”
To focus on our kingdom would be rather dumb
For as long as we can focus on His kingdom first
Everything will turn out for the best, not the worst
From 1 Samuel 15, we read the story of King Saul
He obeyed some of God’s commands, but not all
This partial obedience was rebellious sin, not nice
Samuel then said “To obey is better than sacrifice”
David took a better approach when he saw the ark
Leaping and dancing in public, the contrast was stark
His house would endure forever, God then said
Because in front of himself, David put God ahead
The prayer continues with “Your will be done”
That should apply to everything under the sun
And “on earth as it is in heaven”
Before we get to verse eleven
Remember that Jesus submitted to God’s will
Even knowing that the Romans would him kill
There is no greater love than dying for a friend
Jesus did that for us when he met his earthly end
What God wants from us, we often already know
The challenge is in choosing that tough path to go
He continued “Give us this day our daily bread”
Asking God for things honours him instead
We know that for our needs He will provide
That is what happens with Him on our side
Of course, God sent Jesus as bread from above
This is the most obvious sign of His immense love
So we can experience part of heaven from today
A relationship with Christ will show us the way

Sunday, July 7, 2013

7 July 2013 - Psalm 66:3

"Say to God 'How awesome are your deeds!'"
"So great is your power" compared to our needs
Our God really does continue to find ways to amaze
Just three weeks ago all we could see was the haze
I woke up this morning and saw the sky painted blue
It was an indication of everything that God can do
If he can change the weather in a short heartbeat
Then of course He can help us our problems defeat