Today we watched "Father of Lights" Part One
About Ravi and the things for God he has done
God tells him what to do every single day
After which Ravi follows what God did say
To many unknown villages he has been
Guided by the visions that he has seen
Among other events that in the film we did see
Was Ravi converting a guy holding a machete
Some additional comments Pastor Larry did share
Telling us that like Ravi, we should for others care
We must listen with open ears and heart
Only then can we do our own unique part
Hearing involves reading Scripture to get revelations
This can of course be augmented by meditations
Through obedience, we can achieve success
We must follow God all the time, nothing less
One of the best ways we can get some teaching
Is to listen to learned people share in preaching
For when God's word we can actually hear
We are reminded that He is always near
To know the path, we must hear God's voice
Only then we can proceed, follow, and rejoice
We must wait in God's presence, that is for sure
For He is always knocking on our heart's door
When we decide to let His spirit in
That is when we can be rid of sin
Hearing God's word also usually involves a price
It requires extra discipline and many a sacrifice
In summary, this is what from Pastor we did hear
If we move in obedience, the enemy will flee in fear