Sunday, January 13, 2013

13 January 2013 - Ephesians 4:26-27, 31-32

The passage starts "in your anger do not sin"
In Psalm 4:4 these words can also be found in
While angry, do not let the sun go down
If we give the devil a foothold, God will frown
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger" per verse 31
Brawling, slander, and malice - there should also be none
"Be kind and compassionate to one another"
Christ forgave us; we should forgive our brother
Dear God, my anger has been a major sin
It has allowed the devil's plans to often win
Things get said that cannot be undone
The same holds true for things I have done
Over time, apologies lose their actual value
It becomes hard for others to say "start anew"
The unknown poet has some serious thinking to do
So for a while, there will be no more poems to view
When there is such a flaw, it is wrong to write
For I have a very big battle I need to fight
Each of you is so very special to me
God's presence in you is plain to see

Monday, January 7, 2013

6 January 2013 - ENCS

The "Limitless" series was started by Pastor Larry
God's power is immense, our burdens He can carry
We base our understanding of God on what we know
But beyond the edges of the universe He doth go
Our God is infinite, that is what Pastor Larry meant
He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent
God created everything, per Revelation 1 chapter 8
Psalm 147:5 and Matthew 19:26 also say God is great
We then heard testimonies from Kim and Dr Abi
Nothing is impossible with God, we did hear and see
Pastor then asked what limits God's power in our life
Sin, rejecting God, and unbelief all cause strife
We can only hear God's word if sin is gone
Satan knows this, so he is always trying to con
From God, Satan's temptations draw us away
Our moral standards get corrupted to God's dismay
So, per James 5:16, we should confess and pray
And thus be healed and then walk in God's way
The Israelites turned back and limited God, per Psalm 78:41
Despite all the miracles over the years that God had done
Don't turn away from God, Hebrews 3:12-13 do implore
By encouraging each other, God can accomplish more
Without faith, we can not get blessings from our God
To Matthew's parable of the sower Pastor gave a nod
And if God asks something of us, we should not turn away
For He will give us the power to do that which he does say
Think of Moses in Exodus four verses ten through seventeen
God sent his brother to help speak, from the passage is seen
In summary, the core message of Pastor's sermon's that half hour
Instead of looking at our limitations, we should look at His limitless power

Sunday, January 6, 2013

16 December 2012 - UCC Keene

To UCC Keene that Sunday we did go
It was very cold but there was no snow
About "The Real Christmas Story" Pastor Ellis did speak
And into Luke two and Matthew two we did peek
They both talk of the birth of Jesus who God sent
But their focus and stories are quite different
Pastor said Christmas was a mere nine days away
He hopes that we can always find time to pray
To think about what Christmas really means, we need to do
For even the biblical accounts have been convoluted too
This in fact should actually not be overly surprising
When we look at the gospels and what they are comprising
About the birth of Jesus Mark is completely silent
John of course has a very theological bent
Matthew and Luke have different versions of Jesus' birth
But of course each message has a distinctive worth
Luke's version is the more familiar and known of the two
Giving birth is what Gabriel says Elizabeth and Mary will do
The latter unmarried and the former supposedly too old
But nothing is impossible with God, they were told
Jesus' birth was God's blessing for the poor
John the Baptist's talked of justice and more
Pigeons are are what Mary and Joseph did sacrifice
For the first born son, that was the dedication price
Luke focused on poverty, justice, and humility
God's intervention for the poor was no mystery
But there is no mention of King Herod or the wise men
For that, we must refer to Matthew's gospel again
From Joseph's perspective, Matthew the story does tell
Carpenter Joseph handles his moral dilemma very well
For he responds to a heavenly-sent dream
He was to take Mary as his wife, it did seem
Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, or "God saves"
He fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, Matthew raves
Where He was actually born is not exactly clear
But they went to Egypt, for Herod they did fear
Even with the wise men, Matthew never said it was three
That just happened to be the number of gifts we do see
The fact the wise men are foreigners is a clear sign
For Jesus, between Jews and Gentiles there is no line
In short, the Nativity scenes that we so oft see
Are a combination of accounts - a made-up story
But that does not matter for each story has a claim
About Jesus, who loves everyone all the same
Luke says He ushers in the Kingdom of God
Matthew gives God's promises to Israel the nod
Either way, Jesus came here so all can be blessed
We can all freely receive His love, there is no test
Like the authors, we each have own Christmas meaning
As long as in the centre of it is God's light gleaming
For no matter what our own specific view
That perspective tells us what we should do
About this topic, to conclude, Pastor asked us to pray hard
For the true meaning of Christmas can not be found on a card

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

31 December 2012 - PLMC

Pastor Lynette spoke at the service watch night
Even while rain and darkness hid the moonlight
She gave the Bible a great big nod
It tells so much about our God
Great is His faithfulness, per Psalm 89 versus 1-4
Psalm 103:8 says He is merciful, gracious, and more
He is eternal, per Deuteronomy 33 verse twenty seven
Jeremiah 23:24 says we can not hide from God in heaven
God is omnipotent, we read in Genesis 18:14
He is wise and invincible, from 1 Timothy 1:17
Hebrews 13:8 says God is changing never
Leviticus 19:2 says He is holy now and forever
John 3:16 tells how much the world God does love
The conclusion is that He is faithful, our God above