Then God said "Let us make mankind in our likeness"
"So that they may rule" over all creatures without stress
" the image of God he created them"
"Male and female" from God did stem
"God said to them 'be fruitful and increase in number'"
"Fill the earth,...subdue it," and do not slumber
As I read this passage, three things strike me
About God, mankind, and how he wants us to be
First I note the use of 'us' in God's words
Referring to the Trinity, not implying three Lords
Second is that in His image we were made
So He must love us, do not be afraid
Third relates to the powers to us He gave
For which we should thank Him, not rave
So, dear God, please hear my prayer
For I know that you do love and care
Three purposes has your Holy Trinity
Let me allow all of them to help me
For it is only with your intervention
That I can overcome this consternation
And it is only with your awesome power
That I can make it through this dark hour
I used to write poems and limericks for my children on special occasions. Starting in April 2009, I have been writing poems based on sermons that I hear. I started doing this in order to share the messages with my family. Then I added some friends and business associates. And they have encouraged me to start a here it is. Since that time, I have started sharing some devotions and passages as well. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
30 January 2011 - ENCS
About stewardship, Pastor Larry's series continued
We must be good stewards for His abundance to be imbued
The title of his sermon was "Treasure (Full Heart)"
Of course the topic of money played a big part
He started by referring to a passage from Matthew
Chapter six from verse nineteen says what to do
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth"
For treasures in heaven offer much more - eternal worth
It seems odd that only Matthew mentioned the event
Perhaps as a tax collector, more to him it may have meant
About money, Jesus actually talked quite a lot
We need to master it, or else our heart will be got
Pastor first asked "What is in the cup of our heart?"
Money, emptiness, and idols can all play a part
Matthew nineteen tells the story of Jesus and the rich man
Unwilling to give up his riches, away from Jesus he ran
Pastor's poem captured the instruction all
"Sell all, give all, a freedom call"
There is nothing wrong with money, if it is not the priority
Remember that God can provide always, don't you see
If we trust in money,we will be destroyed
But if we trust God, we will be buoyed
If emptiness is what fills our heart
Letting God in is a real good start
We should not let activities fill the void
Even if God's works are employed
For per the story of Jesus, the woman, and the well
Only God's love can fill the void, John 4:13 did tell
Pastor then talked about idols a wee bit more
Starting with reading Exodus 32 verse 4
Aaron sinned and made a golden calf
Moses, in the next chapter, did not gaffe
He wanted to feel God's presence firsthand
Even at the expense of getting to the promised land
"How do we keep the cup of our heart full?", Pastor did ask
Serving God 100% with talents and blessings in every task
And per Malachi chapter one verse eight
Giving God leftovers will seal our fate
In terms of tithing, we should have a different perspective
Ten percent is much less than God gave us to live
Malachi 3:8 gives us another warning
If we rob God, we will end up mourning
In conclusion, Pastor said Matthew five verse six did profess
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness"
"For they will be filled" is a promise we can keep
All through our lives until our final sleep
We must be good stewards for His abundance to be imbued
The title of his sermon was "Treasure (Full Heart)"
Of course the topic of money played a big part
He started by referring to a passage from Matthew
Chapter six from verse nineteen says what to do
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth"
For treasures in heaven offer much more - eternal worth
It seems odd that only Matthew mentioned the event
Perhaps as a tax collector, more to him it may have meant
About money, Jesus actually talked quite a lot
We need to master it, or else our heart will be got
Pastor first asked "What is in the cup of our heart?"
Money, emptiness, and idols can all play a part
Matthew nineteen tells the story of Jesus and the rich man
Unwilling to give up his riches, away from Jesus he ran
Pastor's poem captured the instruction all
"Sell all, give all, a freedom call"
There is nothing wrong with money, if it is not the priority
Remember that God can provide always, don't you see
If we trust in money,we will be destroyed
But if we trust God, we will be buoyed
If emptiness is what fills our heart
Letting God in is a real good start
We should not let activities fill the void
Even if God's works are employed
For per the story of Jesus, the woman, and the well
Only God's love can fill the void, John 4:13 did tell
Pastor then talked about idols a wee bit more
Starting with reading Exodus 32 verse 4
Aaron sinned and made a golden calf
Moses, in the next chapter, did not gaffe
He wanted to feel God's presence firsthand
Even at the expense of getting to the promised land
"How do we keep the cup of our heart full?", Pastor did ask
Serving God 100% with talents and blessings in every task
And per Malachi chapter one verse eight
Giving God leftovers will seal our fate
In terms of tithing, we should have a different perspective
Ten percent is much less than God gave us to live
Malachi 3:8 gives us another warning
If we rob God, we will end up mourning
In conclusion, Pastor said Matthew five verse six did profess
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness"
"For they will be filled" is a promise we can keep
All through our lives until our final sleep
Friday, January 28, 2011
28 January 2011 - Psalm 31:1-14
"LORD, I have taken refuge" in your name
And "let me never be put to shame"
So take me out of this earthly mess
And "deliver me in your righteousness"
"Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue"
"Be...a...fortress to save me" from what may ensue
" rock and my fortress" you will be
"For the sake of your name lead and guide me"
"Into your hands I commit my spirit" to you
"Deliver me, LORD" in all that I go through
"I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction"
"And knew the anguish of my soul", for it was not mere fiction
"Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress"
My body and soul grow weak, I do confess
"My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning"
"My strength fails because of my affliction" that I am owning
"But I trust in you, LORD"
And I trust in your word
David penned these words so long ago
But it is if my life he somehow did know
There is not much that I could think to add
With God at my side, I should be happy not sad
Dear God, please let this be the case
No matter what troubles I may face
And "let me never be put to shame"
So take me out of this earthly mess
And "deliver me in your righteousness"
"Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue"
"Be...a...fortress to save me" from what may ensue
" rock and my fortress" you will be
"For the sake of your name lead and guide me"
"Into your hands I commit my spirit" to you
"Deliver me, LORD" in all that I go through
"I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction"
"And knew the anguish of my soul", for it was not mere fiction
"Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress"
My body and soul grow weak, I do confess
"My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning"
"My strength fails because of my affliction" that I am owning
"But I trust in you, LORD"
And I trust in your word
David penned these words so long ago
But it is if my life he somehow did know
There is not much that I could think to add
With God at my side, I should be happy not sad
Dear God, please let this be the case
No matter what troubles I may face
Thursday, January 27, 2011
27 January 2011 - Psalm 30:1-5
"I will exalt you, LORD" for you set me free
"And did not let my enemies gloat over me"
"LORD my God, I called to you for help" says verse two
"You healed me" and "spared me from...the pit" anew
"Sing the praises of the LORD" for He came
"You his faithful people, praise his holy name"
"For his anger lasts only a moment" says verse five
"But his favor lasts a lifetime", as long as we are alive
It continues "weeping may stay for the night"
"But rejoicing comes with the morning" light
Yes, Lord, I am thankful for your favor
It really is something to truly savor
So even when I am losing sleep
Because of things making me weep
I know that there is nothing to fear
For like morning, you will always appear
So please encourage me with your words
And help me fight the enemy's swords
Please comfort me with your love
Which is infinite, from heaven above
"And did not let my enemies gloat over me"
"LORD my God, I called to you for help" says verse two
"You healed me" and "spared me from...the pit" anew
"Sing the praises of the LORD" for He came
"You his faithful people, praise his holy name"
"For his anger lasts only a moment" says verse five
"But his favor lasts a lifetime", as long as we are alive
It continues "weeping may stay for the night"
"But rejoicing comes with the morning" light
Yes, Lord, I am thankful for your favor
It really is something to truly savor
So even when I am losing sleep
Because of things making me weep
I know that there is nothing to fear
For like morning, you will always appear
So please encourage me with your words
And help me fight the enemy's swords
Please comfort me with your love
Which is infinite, from heaven above
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
26 January 2011 - 1 Timothy 6:17-19
"Command those who are rich...not to be arrogant"
"Nor to put their hope in wealth", Paul did recant
"But to put their hope in God", who so richly provides
For any servant who genuinely abides
"Command them to do good without despair"
Doing good deeds, being generous, and willing to share
Verse nineteen says "in this way, they will lay up treasure"
For eternity, which is worth more than any earthly treasure
Dear God, thank you for allowing me to be so blessed
For it is all due to you, for you are the best
So let me use these blessings from you
And give thanks to you in all that I do
And help me to "do good without despair"
Whether or not life seems fair
"Nor to put their hope in wealth", Paul did recant
"But to put their hope in God", who so richly provides
For any servant who genuinely abides
"Command them to do good without despair"
Doing good deeds, being generous, and willing to share
Verse nineteen says "in this way, they will lay up treasure"
For eternity, which is worth more than any earthly treasure
Dear God, thank you for allowing me to be so blessed
For it is all due to you, for you are the best
So let me use these blessings from you
And give thanks to you in all that I do
And help me to "do good without despair"
Whether or not life seems fair
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
25 January 2011 - Isaiah 41:8-10
"But you...whom I have chosen" to tend
"You descendants of Abraham my friend"
"I took you from the ends of the earth"
"From its farthest corners", right from birth
"I have chosen you and have not rejected you"
"So do not fear", whether Gentile or Jew
"Do not be discouraged for I am your God"
Verse ten says "I will strengthen" your bod
"I will uphold you with my righteous hand"
Even if you are severely undermanned
These words remind me that God does care
For no matter where I am, He is always there
Discouraged I should never be
For God will strengthen me
So dear God, this is what I pray
Please strengthen me today
For I know that I am rather weak
So it is your arms that I seek
Into my heart, allow your spirit to instill
So that I may always do your will
"You descendants of Abraham my friend"
"I took you from the ends of the earth"
"From its farthest corners", right from birth
"I have chosen you and have not rejected you"
"So do not fear", whether Gentile or Jew
"Do not be discouraged for I am your God"
Verse ten says "I will strengthen" your bod
"I will uphold you with my righteous hand"
Even if you are severely undermanned
These words remind me that God does care
For no matter where I am, He is always there
Discouraged I should never be
For God will strengthen me
So dear God, this is what I pray
Please strengthen me today
For I know that I am rather weak
So it is your arms that I seek
Into my heart, allow your spirit to instill
So that I may always do your will
Monday, January 24, 2011
24 January 2011 - Psalm 28: 1-2, 6-9
"To you, LORD, I call; you are my Rock"
"Do not turn a deaf ear to me" or my pleas block
"For if you remain silent" continues verse one
I will be doomed when before my life is done
"Hear my cry for mercy", I appeal to your grace
"As I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place"
"Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry"
"The LORD is my strength and my shield" on high
"My heart trusts in him, and he helps me" when things are dim
"My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him"
Verse eight says "the LORD is the strength of his people"
"A fortress of salvation" for those under his steeple
"Save your people and bless your inheritance" says verse nine
"Be their shepherd and carry them forever" for they are thine
This is another psalm from David's pen
Which should mirror the words of all men
God is full of mercy and might
He helps those who are in the right
And verse nine contains truths numbering four
About God's roles - but of course there are more
It talks of our God who saves and blesses
Who shepherds and carries us out of messes
So dear God, please help open my eyes
For your powers are not a surprise
Help me to trust completely in you
And to do all that you want me to do
Help me to spread your great word
For you are my almighty Lord
"Do not turn a deaf ear to me" or my pleas block
"For if you remain silent" continues verse one
I will be doomed when before my life is done
"Hear my cry for mercy", I appeal to your grace
"As I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place"
"Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry"
"The LORD is my strength and my shield" on high
"My heart trusts in him, and he helps me" when things are dim
"My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him"
Verse eight says "the LORD is the strength of his people"
"A fortress of salvation" for those under his steeple
"Save your people and bless your inheritance" says verse nine
"Be their shepherd and carry them forever" for they are thine
This is another psalm from David's pen
Which should mirror the words of all men
God is full of mercy and might
He helps those who are in the right
And verse nine contains truths numbering four
About God's roles - but of course there are more
It talks of our God who saves and blesses
Who shepherds and carries us out of messes
So dear God, please help open my eyes
For your powers are not a surprise
Help me to trust completely in you
And to do all that you want me to do
Help me to spread your great word
For you are my almighty Lord
Sunday, January 23, 2011
23 January 2011 - ENCS
Pastor Neli spoke on "What's In Your Hand?"
In the stewardship series, you understand
He showed a video on the man with the golden voice
About a man's second chance for which he did rejoice
The job offers were many and did amaze
So to God he gave thanks and praise
In the same way, God has given us all a different skill
For us to use them well is clearly God's will
Pastor referred to Exodus chapters three and four
About Moses and how he eventually doubted no more
Moses saw a burning bush and a staff turned into a snake
But God's answers to Moses' objections it finally did take
For excuses Moses then stopped making
And instead, God's path he started taking
Making excuses is something we also often do
Luckily, God gives us chances more than a few
In Moses' case, his power was in the form of a staff in his hand
He walked through the Red Sea towards the promised land
What are we doing with our talents, Pastor did ask
Putting them to good use is our real task
But a warning about talents Pastor did then add
'Living off the gift' instead of 'with God' makes God sad
That is what led to Moses getting rebuked by God
For using his staff on the rock instead of giving God the nod
In closing, Pastor said that God wants all that is in us
If we really love him, we should obey without a fuss
In the stewardship series, you understand
He showed a video on the man with the golden voice
About a man's second chance for which he did rejoice
The job offers were many and did amaze
So to God he gave thanks and praise
In the same way, God has given us all a different skill
For us to use them well is clearly God's will
Pastor referred to Exodus chapters three and four
About Moses and how he eventually doubted no more
Moses saw a burning bush and a staff turned into a snake
But God's answers to Moses' objections it finally did take
For excuses Moses then stopped making
And instead, God's path he started taking
Making excuses is something we also often do
Luckily, God gives us chances more than a few
In Moses' case, his power was in the form of a staff in his hand
He walked through the Red Sea towards the promised land
What are we doing with our talents, Pastor did ask
Putting them to good use is our real task
But a warning about talents Pastor did then add
'Living off the gift' instead of 'with God' makes God sad
That is what led to Moses getting rebuked by God
For using his staff on the rock instead of giving God the nod
In closing, Pastor said that God wants all that is in us
If we really love him, we should obey without a fuss
Friday, January 21, 2011
21 January 2011 - Psalm 86:15-17
"You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God" per verse fifteen
"Slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness" as we have seen
"Turn to me and have mercy on me" and my family too
"Show your strength, me, because I serve you"
"Give me a sign of your goodness" in your name
"That my enemies may see it and be put to shame"
"For you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me"
And that should be obvious for all to see
Yes, dear God, your love abounds
And your faithfulness always astounds
So although I have no right to ask
In your light please let me bask
I desire your comfort and support
So that the enemy's plans I can thwart
This can only be done with your power
That is what I call upon in this hour
"Slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness" as we have seen
"Turn to me and have mercy on me" and my family too
"Show your strength, me, because I serve you"
"Give me a sign of your goodness" in your name
"That my enemies may see it and be put to shame"
"For you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me"
And that should be obvious for all to see
Yes, dear God, your love abounds
And your faithfulness always astounds
So although I have no right to ask
In your light please let me bask
I desire your comfort and support
So that the enemy's plans I can thwart
This can only be done with your power
That is what I call upon in this hour
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20 January 2011 - Psalm 25:8-11
"Good and upright is the LORD" all the days
"Therefore he instructs sinners in his ways"
"He guides the humble in what is right"
"And teaches them his way", David did write
"All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful" says verse ten
"Toward those who keep the demands of his covenant" again and again
"For the sake of your name, LORD", let me state
"Forgive my iniquity, though it is great"
This passage talks of humility
Which is how God wants us to be
In Hebrew, the word humble does actually connote
'Learning through suffering', that's not a misquote
So dear God, let be be continually aware
Of my limitations that so often ensnare
Allow these to be a reminder every day
So I can learn from you and desire to pray
"Therefore he instructs sinners in his ways"
"He guides the humble in what is right"
"And teaches them his way", David did write
"All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful" says verse ten
"Toward those who keep the demands of his covenant" again and again
"For the sake of your name, LORD", let me state
"Forgive my iniquity, though it is great"
This passage talks of humility
Which is how God wants us to be
In Hebrew, the word humble does actually connote
'Learning through suffering', that's not a misquote
So dear God, let be be continually aware
Of my limitations that so often ensnare
Allow these to be a reminder every day
So I can learn from you and desire to pray
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19 January 2011 - John 14:23-27
"Jesus replied, 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching'"
"My Father will love them" he continued preaching
"Anyone who does not love me will not obey my" words
"These words you hear are not my own"; they are the Lord's
"All this I have spoken while still with you"
But the Holy Spirit will now help in all you do
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" says verse twenty seven
"I do not give to you as the world gives", but am from heaven
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"
For my love and protection for you will never fade
Verse twenty seven is like Psalm twenty three
Talking of the peace that Jesus brings to me
Over all earthly troubles, that peace transcends
Which of course helps me to make amends
For the love of Jesus is so immense
His power and presence are so intense
That I want to be with him through the day
For with Jesus, everything will be okay
"My Father will love them" he continued preaching
"Anyone who does not love me will not obey my" words
"These words you hear are not my own"; they are the Lord's
"All this I have spoken while still with you"
But the Holy Spirit will now help in all you do
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" says verse twenty seven
"I do not give to you as the world gives", but am from heaven
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"
For my love and protection for you will never fade
Verse twenty seven is like Psalm twenty three
Talking of the peace that Jesus brings to me
Over all earthly troubles, that peace transcends
Which of course helps me to make amends
For the love of Jesus is so immense
His power and presence are so intense
That I want to be with him through the day
For with Jesus, everything will be okay
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18 January 2011 - Psalm 23
"The Lord is my shepherd" this psalm reassures
For "He makes me lie down in green pastures"
"He leads me beside still waters" that He doth control
Verse three continues that "He refreshes my soul"
"He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake"
"Even though...through the darkest valley" a path I may take
"I will fear no evil, for you are with me" says verse four
"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me" evermore
"You prepare a table before me"
"In the presence of my enemy"
"You anoint my head with oil"
"My cup overflows" but does not spoil
"Surely your goodness and love will follow me"
"All the days of my life" wherever I may be
"And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever"
No matter what I may endeavour
This poem was rather hard to write
For the original words are just right
They provide so much comfort and calm
And to me, this is the ultimate psalm
So dear God, please my shepherd be
And always look after my family and me
Let me dwell in your house forever
And stray from your path never
For "He makes me lie down in green pastures"
"He leads me beside still waters" that He doth control
Verse three continues that "He refreshes my soul"
"He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake"
"Even though...through the darkest valley" a path I may take
"I will fear no evil, for you are with me" says verse four
"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me" evermore
"You prepare a table before me"
"In the presence of my enemy"
"You anoint my head with oil"
"My cup overflows" but does not spoil
"Surely your goodness and love will follow me"
"All the days of my life" wherever I may be
"And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever"
No matter what I may endeavour
This poem was rather hard to write
For the original words are just right
They provide so much comfort and calm
And to me, this is the ultimate psalm
So dear God, please my shepherd be
And always look after my family and me
Let me dwell in your house forever
And stray from your path never
Monday, January 17, 2011
17 January 2011 - 2 Timothy 2:11-13
"Here is a trustworthy saying" that is not shared on a whim
"If we died with Him, we will also live with Him"
Verse twelve says that "if we endure"
"We will also reign with Him" for sure
"If we disown Him, He will also disown us"
Even if we kick up quite a fuss
But "if we are faithless, he remains faithful" still
"For He cannot disown himself"; it is not His will
This is a timely reminder for me today
Telling me that God’s love is never far away
All I need to do is ask when I pray
And grim days will be far less gray
So dear God, please do not allow me to stray
No matter what others may do or say
"If we died with Him, we will also live with Him"
Verse twelve says that "if we endure"
"We will also reign with Him" for sure
"If we disown Him, He will also disown us"
Even if we kick up quite a fuss
But "if we are faithless, he remains faithful" still
"For He cannot disown himself"; it is not His will
This is a timely reminder for me today
Telling me that God’s love is never far away
All I need to do is ask when I pray
And grim days will be far less gray
So dear God, please do not allow me to stray
No matter what others may do or say
Friday, January 14, 2011
14 January 2011 - Psalm 88 (redux)
If this psalm's author can find reason to praise
As Job also did on his horrific days
Then there is no reason why I
Being so blessed, should not try
To focus on God's great power
Instead of feeling down and sour
So dear God, thank you for your word
And let me proceed undeterred
To follow your path and do your will
Even if that path appears to be uphill
"O Lord, the God who saves me, day and night I cry out", can't you see?
"May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry" says verse two
"For my soul is full of trouble"
"And my life draws near the grave's" rubble
"I am like a man without strength" says verse four
"I am set apart with the dead...whom you remember no more"
"My eyes are dim with grief"
"I call to you...every day" for relief
"But I cry to you for help", that's what I do
"In the morning my prayer comes before you"
Although this psalm is full of despair
The author knows that God does care
We don't know why we suffer
Perhaps it is to make us tougher
But we do know one thing
God's praises we should sing
In good times and in bad
There are always reasons to be glad
To repeat what I said other times
In various poems and rhymes
I must remember to praise God and pray
Every morning and every day
As Job also did on his horrific days
Then there is no reason why I
Being so blessed, should not try
To focus on God's great power
Instead of feeling down and sour
So dear God, thank you for your word
And let me proceed undeterred
To follow your path and do your will
Even if that path appears to be uphill
"O Lord, the God who saves me, day and night I cry out", can't you see?
"May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry" says verse two
"For my soul is full of trouble"
"And my life draws near the grave's" rubble
"I am like a man without strength" says verse four
"I am set apart with the dead...whom you remember no more"
"My eyes are dim with grief"
"I call to you...every day" for relief
"But I cry to you for help", that's what I do
"In the morning my prayer comes before you"
Although this psalm is full of despair
The author knows that God does care
We don't know why we suffer
Perhaps it is to make us tougher
But we do know one thing
God's praises we should sing
In good times and in bad
There are always reasons to be glad
To repeat what I said other times
In various poems and rhymes
I must remember to praise God and pray
Every morning and every day
Thursday, January 13, 2011
13 January 2011 - Matthew 11:28-30 (redux)
As this passage I once again read
It is clear that Jesus' comfort is what I need
For true rest is what He can provide
And from Him nothing must I hide
For all my needs He doth know
And His arms I can never outgrow
In Matthew eleven verse twenty eight
Jesus told us not to wait
"Come to me, all you who are weary"
"And I will give you rest", it's not a theory
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me"
"For...gentle and humble in heart" I will always be
"You will find rest for your souls" all day and night
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
Jesus is there for us all the time
Relying on Him is far from a crime
For He promises to give us rest
Even when we are hard pressed
Jesus, help me with these burdens I bear
For you have plenty of strength to spare
Rejuvenate my body and my soul
For doing your will remains my goal
It is clear that Jesus' comfort is what I need
For true rest is what He can provide
And from Him nothing must I hide
For all my needs He doth know
And His arms I can never outgrow
In Matthew eleven verse twenty eight
Jesus told us not to wait
"Come to me, all you who are weary"
"And I will give you rest", it's not a theory
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me"
"For...gentle and humble in heart" I will always be
"You will find rest for your souls" all day and night
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
Jesus is there for us all the time
Relying on Him is far from a crime
For He promises to give us rest
Even when we are hard pressed
Jesus, help me with these burdens I bear
For you have plenty of strength to spare
Rejuvenate my body and my soul
For doing your will remains my goal
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
12 January 2011 - Romans 5:1-5 (redux)
"Therefore", the start of this passage sayeth
"We have been justified through faith"
"We have peace with God through Christ"
For it was his sacrifice that sufficed
"In the hope of the glory of God" we rejoice
But also in our sufferings, for we do have a choice
For "suffering produces perseverance"
Which then leads to character's appearance
From character we then get hope
Can hope disappoint us? Nope!
"For God has poured out his love into our hearts"
That is where the work of the Holy Spirit starts
I have referenced this passage several times
In testimonies, notes, and of course rhymes
But it keeps coming back into my head
Saying not to give up, to persevere instead
And whilst I know that is of course true
And I try to apply it in all that I do
I pray that these words encourage others
Especially my Christian sisters and brothers
And I pray that I may set a good example
When life's hardships on me trample
For the message that comes from these verses
And the truth Paul so aptly disperses
Is that the path to hope from suffering
Serves to reduce much of the painful sting
"We have been justified through faith"
"We have peace with God through Christ"
For it was his sacrifice that sufficed
"In the hope of the glory of God" we rejoice
But also in our sufferings, for we do have a choice
For "suffering produces perseverance"
Which then leads to character's appearance
From character we then get hope
Can hope disappoint us? Nope!
"For God has poured out his love into our hearts"
That is where the work of the Holy Spirit starts
I have referenced this passage several times
In testimonies, notes, and of course rhymes
But it keeps coming back into my head
Saying not to give up, to persevere instead
And whilst I know that is of course true
And I try to apply it in all that I do
I pray that these words encourage others
Especially my Christian sisters and brothers
And I pray that I may set a good example
When life's hardships on me trample
For the message that comes from these verses
And the truth Paul so aptly disperses
Is that the path to hope from suffering
Serves to reduce much of the painful sting
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
11 January 2011 - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18
"Acknowledge those who work hard among you"
"Who care for you...and...admonish you" too
"Hold them in the highest regard in love"
"Because of their work" for God above
"Live in peace with each other"
"And we urge you," every Christian brother
To "warn those who are idle and disruptive", says verse fourteen
And "encourage the disheartened" and let your patience be seen
"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong"
"But always strive to do what" helps people get along
"Rejoice always, pray continually"
"Give thanks" for every eventuality
"For this is God’s will for you"
"In Christ Jesus" all the way through
The message here, from the pen of Paul
Is obviously applicable to us all
For me, every line is worth a mention
But my issue is not the comprehension
I have to consistently apply what I read
In every thought, every word, and every deed
So dear Jesus, help me do this today
For I know this is the only true way
"Who care for you...and...admonish you" too
"Hold them in the highest regard in love"
"Because of their work" for God above
"Live in peace with each other"
"And we urge you," every Christian brother
To "warn those who are idle and disruptive", says verse fourteen
And "encourage the disheartened" and let your patience be seen
"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong"
"But always strive to do what" helps people get along
"Rejoice always, pray continually"
"Give thanks" for every eventuality
"For this is God’s will for you"
"In Christ Jesus" all the way through
The message here, from the pen of Paul
Is obviously applicable to us all
For me, every line is worth a mention
But my issue is not the comprehension
I have to consistently apply what I read
In every thought, every word, and every deed
So dear Jesus, help me do this today
For I know this is the only true way
Monday, January 10, 2011
10 Janaury 2011 - Psalm 1
"Blessed is the one who does not walk"
"In step with the wicked" and their sinful talk
"Or stand in the way that sinners take"
To "sit in the company of mockers" is also a mistake
"But whose delight is in the law of the LORD"
"And who and night" on His Word
"That person is like a tree planted by streams"
"Which yields its fruit in season" to extremes
"Not so the wicked! They are like chaff"
"That the wind blows away" while they laugh
"For the LORD watches over" the righteous nation
"But the way of the wicked leads to" devastation
This psalm reminds me of some proverbs
It contains many words that could be verbs
How we walk, talk, and meditate
Decide whether being blessed will be our fate
For God watches all that we do
Especially when we are not in a pew
So dear God, please help me today
To walk on your path all the way
"In step with the wicked" and their sinful talk
"Or stand in the way that sinners take"
To "sit in the company of mockers" is also a mistake
"But whose delight is in the law of the LORD"
"And who and night" on His Word
"That person is like a tree planted by streams"
"Which yields its fruit in season" to extremes
"Not so the wicked! They are like chaff"
"That the wind blows away" while they laugh
"For the LORD watches over" the righteous nation
"But the way of the wicked leads to" devastation
This psalm reminds me of some proverbs
It contains many words that could be verbs
How we walk, talk, and meditate
Decide whether being blessed will be our fate
For God watches all that we do
Especially when we are not in a pew
So dear God, please help me today
To walk on your path all the way
Sunday, January 9, 2011
9 January 2011 - ENCS
After the 52-person graduation celebration
For the Leadership Institute of Every Nation
Pastor Charles spoke of "The Making of A Leader"
It was a short sermon that required a speed reader
For into this world, leadership we can all bring
Via how we work, talk, write, or sing
He read from Isaiah 43 verse one
God created and formed us, not for fun
This links to Genesis chapter thirty two
Which tells the story of what Jacob did do
His name meant "deceiver and manipulator"
Until with God, he wrestled like an alligator
After wrestling throughout the entire night
Jacob asked for a blessing, as if it was his right
But remember that when by God we are blessed
He chooses our blessings, for He knows best
Jacob got two blessings for his part
First, a name reflecting a change in heart
Israel means 'God prevails' or 'God wins'
For He can overcome all of our sins
Second, God gave Jacob a dislocated hip
He would evermore depend on God and worship
So remember that asking God to change our heart
Is a powerful prayer that's also very smart
Pastor spoke of leadership qualities a little bit more
Referring to the passage from Mark 10:35-44
At Jesus' right hand, James and John wanted to be
As a result, Jesus had to rebuke the sons of Zebedee
For unlike earthly leaders who flaunt power over their people
Servanthood is required of leaders under the steeple
Per verse 43, whoever wants to become great
Must serve others from early until late
Matthew 20:26 shares the same basic thought
To be a true leader, serve others we ought
And since serving others everyone can do
All of us can be leaders, not just a few
From 2 Timothy 2 verse 2 we heard
That we should teach others using God's word
So if of God's word we can be avid readers
We can become a church full of good leaders
For the Leadership Institute of Every Nation
Pastor Charles spoke of "The Making of A Leader"
It was a short sermon that required a speed reader
For into this world, leadership we can all bring
Via how we work, talk, write, or sing
He read from Isaiah 43 verse one
God created and formed us, not for fun
This links to Genesis chapter thirty two
Which tells the story of what Jacob did do
His name meant "deceiver and manipulator"
Until with God, he wrestled like an alligator
After wrestling throughout the entire night
Jacob asked for a blessing, as if it was his right
But remember that when by God we are blessed
He chooses our blessings, for He knows best
Jacob got two blessings for his part
First, a name reflecting a change in heart
Israel means 'God prevails' or 'God wins'
For He can overcome all of our sins
Second, God gave Jacob a dislocated hip
He would evermore depend on God and worship
So remember that asking God to change our heart
Is a powerful prayer that's also very smart
Pastor spoke of leadership qualities a little bit more
Referring to the passage from Mark 10:35-44
At Jesus' right hand, James and John wanted to be
As a result, Jesus had to rebuke the sons of Zebedee
For unlike earthly leaders who flaunt power over their people
Servanthood is required of leaders under the steeple
Per verse 43, whoever wants to become great
Must serve others from early until late
Matthew 20:26 shares the same basic thought
To be a true leader, serve others we ought
And since serving others everyone can do
All of us can be leaders, not just a few
From 2 Timothy 2 verse 2 we heard
That we should teach others using God's word
So if of God's word we can be avid readers
We can become a church full of good leaders
Friday, January 7, 2011
7 January 2011 - Proverbs 17:22
The words of Proverbs 17 verse 22
Serve to tell me what to do
Whether I am reading the NIV
Or The Message or the NKJV
They all talk of having "a cheerful heart"
Which is "like medicine", doing its part
They also talk of the impact of "a broken spirit"
Which "dries up the bones", so we should fear it
So dear God, please help me to remember
In this month after December
That your joy is available throughout the day
Even when things don't seem to be going my way
And let that joy reflect in me
So that others wonder how it can be
That I have such a positive outlook
(Because I read passages from Your Book)
And pleased keep my spirit unbroken
Especially when the enemy is awoken
For you are the master of us all
Winter, spring, summer, and fall
Serve to tell me what to do
Whether I am reading the NIV
Or The Message or the NKJV
They all talk of having "a cheerful heart"
Which is "like medicine", doing its part
They also talk of the impact of "a broken spirit"
Which "dries up the bones", so we should fear it
So dear God, please help me to remember
In this month after December
That your joy is available throughout the day
Even when things don't seem to be going my way
And let that joy reflect in me
So that others wonder how it can be
That I have such a positive outlook
(Because I read passages from Your Book)
And pleased keep my spirit unbroken
Especially when the enemy is awoken
For you are the master of us all
Winter, spring, summer, and fall
Thursday, January 6, 2011
6 January 2011 - 2 Chronicles 7:11-14
When the temple and the palace Solomon finished building
And the interiors of both he completed the ornate gilding
"The LORD night", saying
"I have heard your" constant praying
This place more than suffices
"As a temple for sacrifices"
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain"
"Or send a plague among my people" again
"If my people...will humble themselves and pray"
"And seek my face and...from their wicked ways" turn away
"Then I will hear from heaven" and lend a hand
"I will forgive their sin and will heal their land"
Humility is linked to forgiveness and healing
For me, the first step in that direction is kneeling
So dear God, as I pray to you this morning
Please let me read this passage as a warning
So that instead of trying to fix things on my own
I rely on the powers that you have so often shown
And the interiors of both he completed the ornate gilding
"The LORD night", saying
"I have heard your" constant praying
This place more than suffices
"As a temple for sacrifices"
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain"
"Or send a plague among my people" again
"If my people...will humble themselves and pray"
"And seek my face and...from their wicked ways" turn away
"Then I will hear from heaven" and lend a hand
"I will forgive their sin and will heal their land"
Humility is linked to forgiveness and healing
For me, the first step in that direction is kneeling
So dear God, as I pray to you this morning
Please let me read this passage as a warning
So that instead of trying to fix things on my own
I rely on the powers that you have so often shown
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5 January 2011-Isaiah 58:2-9
"To all appearances they're a nation of right-living people"
"Law-abiding, God-honoring", praying under the steeple
"They ask me, 'What's the right thing to do?'"
"And love having me on their side" too
"But they also complain" about the result of their fasting
Saying they are not noticed by God everlasting
God responded in verse three
Being as direct as He could be
"You fast, but at the same time you bicker and fight"
"You fast, but you swing a mean fist" with might
"The kind of fasting you do", I have found
"Won't get your prayers off the ground"
"Do you think this is the kind of fast day I'm after"
"A day to show off humility" instead of laughter
"To put on a pious long face" while food you lack
"And parade around solemnly in black?"
"This is the kind of fast day I'm" looking for
"To break the chains of injustice," that's for sure
"What I'm interested in seeing you do" for me
"Is sharing your food with the hungry"
Inviting into your houses the homeless poor
"Putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad" and more
"Being available to your own families"
Those are actions which will God please
"Do this and the lights will turn on", God said
"And your lives will turn around at once" instead
Dear God, please help me in this time of fasting
To put in place changes that are everlasting
Both in terms of how I spend my time
(Not just when I write my daily rhyme)
But also in terms of what I do
To impact others' lives, even a few
"Law-abiding, God-honoring", praying under the steeple
"They ask me, 'What's the right thing to do?'"
"And love having me on their side" too
"But they also complain" about the result of their fasting
Saying they are not noticed by God everlasting
God responded in verse three
Being as direct as He could be
"You fast, but at the same time you bicker and fight"
"You fast, but you swing a mean fist" with might
"The kind of fasting you do", I have found
"Won't get your prayers off the ground"
"Do you think this is the kind of fast day I'm after"
"A day to show off humility" instead of laughter
"To put on a pious long face" while food you lack
"And parade around solemnly in black?"
"This is the kind of fast day I'm" looking for
"To break the chains of injustice," that's for sure
"What I'm interested in seeing you do" for me
"Is sharing your food with the hungry"
Inviting into your houses the homeless poor
"Putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad" and more
"Being available to your own families"
Those are actions which will God please
"Do this and the lights will turn on", God said
"And your lives will turn around at once" instead
Dear God, please help me in this time of fasting
To put in place changes that are everlasting
Both in terms of how I spend my time
(Not just when I write my daily rhyme)
But also in terms of what I do
To impact others' lives, even a few
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
4 January 2011 - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ" says verse seventeen
"The new creation has come", making us spiritually clean
"The old has gone, the new is here!"
"All this through God" who we should fear
He "reconciled us to himself through Christ" said Paul
"And gave...the ministry of reconciliation" to us all
"God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ"
"Not counting people’s sins", for His love sufficed
"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors"
For His reconciliation restores
"We implore you on Christ’s behalf"
For not to be reconciled would be a big gaffe
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us"
"So that in him we might become...righteous"
This passage is about reconciliation
Something we all need as a new creation
Through Jesus, we are reconciled with God
Not to do with others would be rather odd
So dear God, please help me to reconcile
With everyone, no matter how I may revile
For if you can forgive my sins so many times
I can surely do the same for lesser "crimes"
And please help me to be reconciled with you
More constantly, in all I say and do
"The new creation has come", making us spiritually clean
"The old has gone, the new is here!"
"All this through God" who we should fear
He "reconciled us to himself through Christ" said Paul
"And gave...the ministry of reconciliation" to us all
"God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ"
"Not counting people’s sins", for His love sufficed
"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors"
For His reconciliation restores
"We implore you on Christ’s behalf"
For not to be reconciled would be a big gaffe
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us"
"So that in him we might become...righteous"
This passage is about reconciliation
Something we all need as a new creation
Through Jesus, we are reconciled with God
Not to do with others would be rather odd
So dear God, please help me to reconcile
With everyone, no matter how I may revile
For if you can forgive my sins so many times
I can surely do the same for lesser "crimes"
And please help me to be reconciled with you
More constantly, in all I say and do
Monday, January 3, 2011
3 January 2011 - Luke 6:37-38
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged"
From this view, Jesus could not be budged
"Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned"
From this the next (more famous) line stemmed
Jesus went on to say "forgive, and you will be forgiven"
Doing this would make the world a better place to live in
"Give, and it will be given to you"
This is also important to do
These all follow from the golden rule
That I learned long ago in church school
Do unto others as you would have them do to you
Which sounds easy but is oft hard to follow through
So dear God as I start another day
Please help me do this at work and at play
For whether it is a stranger or a friend
I know God's love will never end
From this view, Jesus could not be budged
"Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned"
From this the next (more famous) line stemmed
Jesus went on to say "forgive, and you will be forgiven"
Doing this would make the world a better place to live in
"Give, and it will be given to you"
This is also important to do
These all follow from the golden rule
That I learned long ago in church school
Do unto others as you would have them do to you
Which sounds easy but is oft hard to follow through
So dear God as I start another day
Please help me do this at work and at play
For whether it is a stranger or a friend
I know God's love will never end
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2 January 2011- ENCS
Pastor Larry spoke of three Rs to serve our city
Which we should do out of love, not pity
He frequently referred to Isaiah chapter fifty eight
And mentioned God's abundance that does more than sate
Verse twelve says to make the community livable again
That is a command from God in heaven
The first R is to rebuild past foundations
As in freeing the oppressed of the nations
From verse six, we also did hear
That in God's eyes, fasting is dear
Fasting is part of a relationship, not a ritual
Building strong foundations should be habitual
That means holding on to our values
Allowing God's word into our hearts infuse
The Bib is God's love letter
For us, no book is better
Strong foundations are needed for strong leadership
Pastor then talked of the process of discipleship
Per 1 Timothy 47-8, valued is godliness
The value of physical training is much less
But work is required for either one
In fact, that work is never really done
To restore old ruins is the second R
To mend broken lives, we don't have to look far
This is what Isaiah 58 verse seven talks about
With God's love and compassion we should reach out
We should not just focus on 'I' or 'me'
For as per Psalm 23 verse three
The Lord will restoreth my soul
He knows my struggles that take a toll
And as per Galatians 6 verse one
Restoring sinners gently is how it should be done
The third R is to renovate communities
To repair the broken walls and streets of the cities
Doing this shows that we do indeed care
In return, the city's prosperity we will share
This was told in Jeremiah 29 verse seven
Pastor also referred to Isaiah 58 verses 8 and 11
For God will guide us always
And satisfy our needs all our days
For others, we should be a beacon of light
And for others' salvation, we should fight
The Tipping Point talked of the power of a little action
Added together, they bring change and satisfaction
After the sermon, Neli shared with us a song
He wrote it, we all sang along
Earlier sang ' I give myself for you, for you to use me'
Neli wrote 'let the city know your love through me'
The two songs have a common theme
Which will be with us for a while, it does seem
Which we should do out of love, not pity
He frequently referred to Isaiah chapter fifty eight
And mentioned God's abundance that does more than sate
Verse twelve says to make the community livable again
That is a command from God in heaven
The first R is to rebuild past foundations
As in freeing the oppressed of the nations
From verse six, we also did hear
That in God's eyes, fasting is dear
Fasting is part of a relationship, not a ritual
Building strong foundations should be habitual
That means holding on to our values
Allowing God's word into our hearts infuse
The Bib is God's love letter
For us, no book is better
Strong foundations are needed for strong leadership
Pastor then talked of the process of discipleship
Per 1 Timothy 47-8, valued is godliness
The value of physical training is much less
But work is required for either one
In fact, that work is never really done
To restore old ruins is the second R
To mend broken lives, we don't have to look far
This is what Isaiah 58 verse seven talks about
With God's love and compassion we should reach out
We should not just focus on 'I' or 'me'
For as per Psalm 23 verse three
The Lord will restoreth my soul
He knows my struggles that take a toll
And as per Galatians 6 verse one
Restoring sinners gently is how it should be done
The third R is to renovate communities
To repair the broken walls and streets of the cities
Doing this shows that we do indeed care
In return, the city's prosperity we will share
This was told in Jeremiah 29 verse seven
Pastor also referred to Isaiah 58 verses 8 and 11
For God will guide us always
And satisfy our needs all our days
For others, we should be a beacon of light
And for others' salvation, we should fight
The Tipping Point talked of the power of a little action
Added together, they bring change and satisfaction
After the sermon, Neli shared with us a song
He wrote it, we all sang along
Earlier sang ' I give myself for you, for you to use me'
Neli wrote 'let the city know your love through me'
The two songs have a common theme
Which will be with us for a while, it does seem
Saturday, January 1, 2011
1 January 2011 - Psalm 73 (redux)
This was the first devotional poem I wrote
But the message is one I can oft emote
As it touches on so much of what I feel
But I know that God has given me the tools to deal
So dear God, please help me use them
From early in the am to late in the pm
For whilst I do not know the details of your plan
I do know that you are greater than any man
So it is not for me to begin to question you
For you will be with me all the way through
"Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart"
But of the wicked and their prosperity I was envious from the start
They seem to be struggle- and problem-free
Their malice and arrogance are an affront to me
Meanwhile I have tried to keep my heart pure
But seem to be daily plagued, that's for sure
God will "cast them down to ruin", per verse eighteen
They will be destroyed for their acts obscene
I was senseless and my heart was bitter
My relationship with God I should not fritter
I should stay with him so He can guide me in every endeavour
For "God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"
Upon those are far from God, He will trod
"But as for me, it is good to be near God"
But the message is one I can oft emote
As it touches on so much of what I feel
But I know that God has given me the tools to deal
So dear God, please help me use them
From early in the am to late in the pm
For whilst I do not know the details of your plan
I do know that you are greater than any man
So it is not for me to begin to question you
For you will be with me all the way through
"Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart"
But of the wicked and their prosperity I was envious from the start
They seem to be struggle- and problem-free
Their malice and arrogance are an affront to me
Meanwhile I have tried to keep my heart pure
But seem to be daily plagued, that's for sure
God will "cast them down to ruin", per verse eighteen
They will be destroyed for their acts obscene
I was senseless and my heart was bitter
My relationship with God I should not fritter
I should stay with him so He can guide me in every endeavour
For "God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"
Upon those are far from God, He will trod
"But as for me, it is good to be near God"
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