Sunday, June 30, 2024

30 June 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Mark Chew spoke about parables three
In Matthew twenty one and twenty two we see
The focus of all three is actually Jesus, the Son
“What do you think?” is appropriate for everyone

The parable of two sons Jesus shared, not afraid
One son pretended obedience, the other delayed
True obedience is like Jesus, following God’s will
It may not sound that exciting but it sure does fulfil
Obedience also reveals the trust we have in God
It is the hallmark of Jesus so we should be awed

The parable of the talents talks about stewardship
And faithfulness to use our talents on our life’s trip
For this is how we should give honour to our God
Fruitfulness serves to revere the Son we applaud
This parable also acts to foretell Jesus’ final days
His suffering and death due to others’ evil ways

The wedding banquet parable has persuasion
The first invitees were indifferent to the occasion
So the invitation then became open to everyone
Akin to our imputed righteousness via the Son

Sunday, June 23, 2024

23 June 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Seth Trimmer from Oregon spoke on “Church Hurt”
A topic which is both universal and historical, he did assert
From a passage in Second Corinthians chapter thirteen
Even Paul struggled with the Corinth church, it was seen

He said that people hurt leaders and leaders hurt people
This is true in many workplaces but also under the steeple
But church hurt tends to hurt even more than other places
As our expectations are for loving and supportive bases

When we experience pain, we tend to want for it to stop
But God wants us to achieve growth as our pain we swap
Jesus knows all about pain, both physical and emotional
His pain helps us achieve glories, so it’s not just notional

Pastor Seth said there are three questions we should ask
When dealing with hurt in church or elsewhere is the task
Who hurt you? Were you hurt or were you harmed? is next
Was the hurt initiated or aggravated? then gives us context

Tim Fletcher says that healing requires a surrogate family
And of course that is what a church community should be
Excitement often leads to disappointment which we loath
We should follow on from there to adjustment and growth

Sunday, June 16, 2024

16 June 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Arnie Manzano this morning shared wisdom aplenty
His sermon “Lord Like No Other” based on Matthew twenty
Starting with an important reminder from the chapter before
Many who are first will be last, many who are last will get more 

Arnie said Jesus being The Generous Master is clearly seen
Per the parable of vineyard workers in verses one to sixteen
For expectations develop easily and can go on to breed envy
Comparison is the thief of joy, per the Roosevelt named Teddy
God’s salvation is open to all so we should trust His generosity 
For it is by His grace we are saved, in Ephesians two we see

Jesus The Servant Leader is seen through verse twenty eight
He shared with His disciples what in Jerusalem did Him await
Entitlement breeds expectations but Jesus said to be selfless
Those wanting to be great must serve and then God will bless
Jesus gave His life for many so we must trust Jesus’ sacrifice
Isaiah fifty three had prophecied that Jesus would pay the price

Jesus is The Compassionate Healer per the final eight verses
Two blind men were persistent despite others yelling curses
Jesus hears our cries and He causes change to be revealed
We should trust God’s compassion and to the Holy Spirit yield

Sunday, June 9, 2024

9 June 2024 - ENCS

The series on Matthew Vicki Tekwani did continue
Chapter nineteen from verse thirteen on we did view
“Entry Requirements of the Kingdom” was the title
For this is often discussed, it is a topic most vital

Vicki began by sharing what such entry it is not about
Age and experience do not guarantee a heavenly route
Similarly, good deeds alone can never earn eternal life
Likewise even if our efforts and achievements are rife

So what are the requirements, the question becomes
Having a childlike faith leads to the desired outcomes
Implying utter dependence on God, not on what we do
Absolute surrender to God’s will we should not eschew

And for those who gain entry, what rewards do await
Children of God inherit the kingdom, per Romans eight
The treasures in heaven far outweigh those on earth
And of course eternal life provides for immense worth

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2 June 2024 - ENCS

The series on Matthew Pastor Josh did today continue
The second part of chapter eighteen we did thus view
Josh reminded us to remember what is on God’s heart
Having relationships with both God and others is smart

How to deal with sin in the church starts in verse fifteen
Start with a one on one conversation it is clearly seen
Then bring two or three others and then to the church
Always doing so in love, being careful not to besmirch

If all these steps fail, like a “pagan or tax collector” treat
And remove tham from any leadership position or seat
But remember that Jesus said everyone we should love
In the same way, we sin but are still loved from above

The subsequent versus touch on the topic of forgiveness
Forgive seven times, Peter in verse twenty one did express
“Seventy seven times” is the response Jesus did give
Which is still far less than how often He does us forgive

In summary, Josh shared points in a voice quite vehement
Relationships require honesty, accountability, agreement
Unforgiiveness results in anger, ruins lives, rejects mercy
Forgiveness requires God’s grace, as so often we do see

Sunday, May 26, 2024

26 May 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on Matthew today
About value, based on chapter eighteen he did say
Who is the greatest in heaven the disciples did ask
Calling a little child, Jesus Christ took them to task

Jesus said that only those who have faith like a child
Will end up in heaven and with the Lord be reconciled
For children are also willing followers, seemingly lowly
Jesus came not to lead but to serve, as we often see

Ergo, we must take care not to cause others to stumble
Although we have much power, we must remain humble
Watching where we go, what we do, and what we say
From sources of temptation, we must clearly stay away

The real message of the lost sheep in verse thirteen
Is the lone sheep’s isolation presents dangers unseen
God is our shepherd who doesn’t want any to perish
So saving lost sheep is something we should cherish

The shepherd’s voice often comes through other sheep
By sharing God’s word with others, His plan we do keep
Pastor Josh then showed how to do so with the SQ App
In “Proclaim", “The Good News” button we should tap

We should value little and lost ones, and lowly positions
Avoiding sights, words, and places with tempting conditions
We can receive the love of God, our Shepherd from above
Then with the rest of the world, show and share His love 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

24 May 2024 - Freedom

Pastor Josh Harris led a session entitled “Freedom” last night
We were made for freedom, as in Genesis two Josh did cite
Freedom enables us to choose life, per Deuteronomy thirty
As the alternative has implications for one's generational tree

Being rightly related to God is known as spiritual freedom
Being rightly related to others is called relational freedom
And being rightly related to ourselves is physical freedom
While being rightly related to resources is financial freedom

Through God’s truth and God’s spirit, His freedom we see
Per John eight verse thirty two, His "truth will set us free”
"For where God’s spirit is, there is freedom” is thus seen
In Second Corinthians chapter three verse number sixteen

Spiritual freedom releases us from spiritual disobedience
Also from spiritual oppression which we may experience
Alternatively it enables us to follow Jesus wholeheartedly
And to experience fruitfulness by  loving others willingly

Spiritual freedom in turn empowers freedom relationally
From unforgiveness and bitterness which are far from holy
Also from relational dysfunctions which are hard to survive
But to forgiveness and walking in love, per Ephesians five

For physical freedom, spiritual freedom also does empower
Taking us away from anxiety, stress, and pasts that are sour
Instead into the peace of God, per Philippians chapter four
As well as to power, love, self-discipline, and so much more

Spiritual freedom also does empower freedom financially
Financial aspects include time, energy, as well as money
From addictions, habits, and false refuges Josh did tell
But into serving others and stewarding God’s grace well